


Unhealthy truckers more likely to be involved in crashes

According to a recent study, commercial truck drivers in Kentucky and the rest of the country who have three or more health issues have four times the crash hazard of healthier drivers. Truckers may also find it difficult to remain healthy due to the nature of their profession, which requires long periods of sitting down.

The medical records of almost 50,000 commercial truck drivers were examined for the study. Nearly 35 percent of the truck drivers had indicators of one or more health conditions, such as low back pain, diabetes and heart disease, associated with poor driving. When the crash histories of the drivers were examined, it was discovered that drivers with at least three of the flagged conditions had an increased likelihood of having been involved in a crash.

Among all truckers, the rate of accidents that involved injuries was 29 per 100 million miles traveled. For drivers who suffered from at least three medical conditions, the rate rose to 93 per 100 million miles. Factors, such as age, amount of commercial driving experience and other elements that could have an impact on one’s driving ability, were taken into account in the calculation of the crash rates.

According to the lead researcher of the study, which was conducted by the University of Utah School of Medicine, the data indicates a direct link between impaired health and the increased risk of crashing. This also includes accidents that truck drivers could prevent.

There are many factors that can contribute to commercial truck accidents. A personal injury attorney may conduct an investigation, which may include speaking to witnesses and reviewing police reports, to determine which parties may be liable for a truck accident. The attorney might engage in litigation to obtain financial compensation for a client who sustained injuries due to the truck accident.

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